Micro Bead Extensions And Various Other Types Of Extensions

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Man has advanced a lot in each and every sphere of life. We have not only been introduced with different innovative inventions but we have also been provided with the exact replicas of the naturally existing things. Let us take an example of the synthetic grass, this grass looks exactly like that of naturally existing grass but it is artificially made and is even better in some respects like it does not need maintenance and safe for children to play on it. Hair extensions are another such products which are an exact replica of human hair and are used to add volume and length to the naturally existing hair. We can find a huge variety of hair extensions in the market. These types may vary from the tape in hair extensions to clip in hair extensions. One such type of hair extensions is known as the micro beads hair extensions. We will be discussing about the micro bead extensions and other such types of hair extensions in this article.

Micro bead extensions:

Hair extensions are synthetically made hairs that are attached with the scalp of the person in such a way that they give an appearance of the natural hair. These hair extensions are meant to enhance the length or volume of the hair. There are many different types of hair extensions, one of which is micro beads hair extensions. Micro bead hair extensions are the kind of extensions that have the beads attached at the top of the hair set. This micro bead is then attached with the scalp. Micro bead extensions are attached in such a way that the beads are not visible at all. Moreover, you can use these micro bead extensions for later on as well.

Various other types of extensions:

Beside the micro bead extension, there are many other types of hair extensions as well which differ on the basis of the way they are attached with the scalp. There are tape-in extensions in which the top proton is taped with the scalp. Then there are clip in hair extension, which are clipped with the natural hair. Sew in extensions are another such kind of extensions. Other than these extensions, hair extensions also vary on the basis of the colour and the type of hair as well. These hair extensions may vary from the chest nut brown hair extensions to the burgundy red hair extensions.


Micro bead hair extensions are the kind of hair extension in which minute size of beads are attached with the scalp portion in such a way that beads are not visible at all and the extensions give an appearance of the natural hair. These micro bead extensions are available in every colour. Another plus point about them is that they can be used again and again. Besides micro bead extensions, there are other types of extension as well. “Margheritta’s beauty spot” offers the best quality of micro bead extensions.